Our internship program is designed to help students discover how they can connect their skills and passions with a fulfilling career in the healthcare sector. 

Our experience tells us that many students with career interests outside of a direct patient care role do not consider a healthcare-related career. We would like to expand their knowledge regarding these opportunities.

 The High School Internship Application period is open NOW and the Deadline to submit is Tuesday, March 15th!

Students can learn more and apply here: https://dhwri.org/internship-programs/high-school-summer-internships-program/

 The Internship Information Session for all students, parents, and staff will be on  January 25th!

Register Here: https://dhwri.org/upcoming-events/

For more info or questions contact: 

Tracie Ruggles RN, MSN, ONC

Workforce Development Nurse Educator| Workforce Strategy| Dartmouth-Hitchcock
